Toronto Branch Awards

Branch Certificate of Merit

Awarded to Branch members in recognition of exemplary contributions or dedicated noteworthy service to the life, benefit, and further the work of the Royal Heraldry Society of Canada, Toronto Branch over a period of years (established 2019).

2021 - Mr. David B. Appleton, AIH
2021 - Reverand Canon
David Bowyer, FRHSC
2021 - Ms. Moira H. Scott

2020 - Mr. Derwin Mak, OStJ

Branch President's Commendation

Awarded to recognize those individuals, organization and service clubs who have performed Excellence in service as a leadership example, significant assistance that has contributed to supporting our goals, or role model for the benefit of the Royal Heraldry Society of Canada, Toronto Branch. Both members and non-members of the Toronto Branch are eligible for recognition (established 2019).

Royal Heraldry Society of Canada National Awards

Branch Members who were granted Fellowship of the Society

Fellowship Badge RHSC

Fellows are distinguished, active individual members of the Society who have demonstrated a superior knowledge of, and made significant contributions to, the fields of heraldic scholarship, art, armoury, honours, chivalry, or analogous subjects as they relate to Canada. 

2022 - Capt. Jason C. Burgoin, MStJ, CD, FRHSC, FSA Scot

2016 - Mr. Vicken Koundakjian, OStJ, FRHSC

2015 - Mr. Roger Alexander Lindsay, KStJ, FRHSC
Allan B. Bird, CD, FRHSC
Mr. Stephen Murray, FRHSC

2011 - Mrs. Ilona Jurkiewicz, FRHSC
Ian C. Steingaszner, CD, FRHSC
Edward A. McNabb, FRHSC

2009 - Capt. (Ret'd) David E. Rumball, UE, CD, FRHSC

2006 - Dr. Jonathan Good, PhD, FRHSC

2002 - Mr. John Wilkes, FRSHS
Kevin Greaves, CD, MD, FRHSC, LRHSC

1998 - Mr. Bruce Patterson, FRHSC, AIH
(Deputy Chief Herald of Canada)

1996 - Rev. Robert M. Black, FRHSC

1993 - Prof. D'Arcy J.D. Boulton, UE, FRHSC, AIH

1989 - The Rev. Canon David G. Bowyer, FRHSC
Peter B. Edwards, CD, FRHSC

1987 - Dr. Harry D.E. Inns, FACLP FRSH FAAO FRHSC

1985 - Dr. John J.F. Kennedy, PhD, FRHSC, AIH

1983 - Dr. Robert B. Salter, CC, FRHSC
Guy L. Saunders, FRHSC

1981 - Mr. Donald W. Lawson, FRHSC

1981 - Mr. Hans D. Birk, AIH, FRHSC
Robert D. Watt, LVO, FRHSC, AIH
The Rt. Rev.
D. Ralph Spence, FRHSC

1975 - Mr. R. Gordon M. Macpherson, CM, FRHSC
Conrad M.J.F. Swan, KCVO, PhD, FSA, FRHSC

The above list notes only those who have been awarded fellowships or honourary fellowships and are members of the RHSC, Toronto Branch.

Branch members who were recipients of the Meritorious Service Award

Meritorious Service Award

Meritorious Service Award is presented for highly valued and long-continued service to the Royal Heraldry Society of Canada (established 2007).

2019 - Capt. Jason C. Burgoin, MStJ, CD, FRHSC, FSA Scot
Robbie Sprules

2007 - Dr. Kevin Greaves, CD, MD, FRHSC, LRHSC
John Wilkes, FRHSC

Society Heraldry Proficiency Program

Level 1 Heraldic Proficiency Course

2021 - Heather Whitehouse

2020 - Cpl. Charles Veale, CD

2019 - Sgt. J. Matthew Leaveault

2018 - Lee Lumbly

2013 - Capt. Jason C. Burgoin, MStJ, CD, FRHSC, FSA Scot

2013 - Sasa Kahrimanovic

2012 - Dr. Jonathan Lofft, MISt, MTS, ThD

2011 - Lawrence Lewis

2008 - Dr. David G. Butler

2008 - Allan Medwick

2007 - Mr. Adam J.D. Carter, CStJ

Level 2 Heraldic Proficiency Course

2021 - Cpl. Charles Veale, CD

2020 - Sgt. J. Matthew Leaveault

2017 - Dr. Jonathan Lofft. , MISt, MTS, ThD

2014 - Capt. Jason C. Burgoin, MStJ, CD, FRHSC, FSA Scot

2012 - Lawrence Lewis

2009 - Dr. David G. Butler

2008 - Allan Medwick

Level 3 Heraldic Proficiency Course

2012 - Dr. David G. Bultler

2003 - Capt. (Ret'd) David E. Rumball, UE, CD, FRHSC

2000 - Mr. Darrel E. Kennedy (Assinoboine Herald)

1988 - Dr. Kevin Greaves, CD, MD, FRHSC, LRHSC