YOU can play a part in the future of Canadian Heraldry!

The Royal Heraldry Society of Canada uses the services of CanadaHelps, a powerful and secure fundraising service that connects millions of Canadians to charitable organizations like ours.

100% of donations received are applied to the programming and operational costs of the Royal Heraldry Society, Toronto Branch. Your support is greatly appreciated and greatly benefits the work of the Society in fulfilling its mandate both today and into the future.

This linked button will open a new browser window to access the Royal Heraldry Society of Canada donations page on —Because this page represents the national Society as well as its individual Branches, you will need to follow these steps.

  1. Indicate the amount you wish your donation to be in the fixed field

  2. Select the “Toronto Branch $15.00” from the dropdown [Apply your donation] box. Disregard the note about $15.00 this is also used for membership renewal.

  3. In the [Send, a Message] box, note how much of the kind donation amount you wish to be given to the Toronto Branch.

The donation amount box can be filled with any desired amount. We thank you for your gracious support!