Heraldry Society of Africa


The Heraldry Society of Africa is a non-governmental organisation associated with and for Africa. The Society was founded and operates under the patronage of His Royal Majesty Rukirabasaija Agutamba Solomon Gafabusa Iguru I, the Omukama. Their main objectives, are to promote the culture of heraldry and genealogy in Africa, and to keep track and restore Coat of Arms in the armigers’ tradition.

Asian Heraldry Societies


Philippine Armorial


The Philippines Armorial is an educational organization about personal and family heraldry in the Philippines and of Filipinos around the world. Their goal is to expand appreciation and knowledge of Philippine heraldry: a unique combination of Spanish and American influences with our own local symbolism.

European Heraldry Societies


The Academy of Heraldic Sciences of Czech Republic
(Czech Republic)


The goal of the Academy of Heraldic Sciences of Czech Republic is to promote research in the field of auxiliary sciences of history, especially heraldry, genealogy, and vexillology.

Bulgarian Heraldry and Vexillology Society


The Bulgarian Heraldry and Vexillology Society is a non-government and non-profit association in the field of heraldry and vexillology. The mission of the BHVS is to enrich the Bulgarian contributions in that sphere through dialog between different organizations and individuals interested in the flags and arms.

Српско хералдичко друштво


The Serbian Heraldic Society was founded in 1991 with the aim of professionally studying Serbian and world heraldry, genealogy, phaleristics and vexillology, as well as to apply the methods and principles of these auxiliary historical sciences found in daily practice, professionally influencing the maintenance of scientifically correct practice.

Одбор за хералдичке и генеалошке студије


The Committee on Heraldic and Genealogical Studies has been established and operates within the Center for the Research of Orthodox Monarchism.

Der Wappen-Löwe


Der Wappen-Löwe revitalizes heraldic consciousness in order to assign the coat of arms in its outstanding importance as historical auxiliary science to its appropriate place. We provide general and specific information about heraldry. Der Wappen-Löwe publishes high-quality printed works on heraldry, genealogy and related sciences, including in the form of yearbooks. They also advise on coat of arms and give tips on the acceptance and design of a new coat of arms in Germany.

The Czech Genealogy and Heraldry Society in Prague
(Czech Republic)


The Czech Genealogy and Heraldry Society in Prague was founded in 1969 and continues older traditions of the Czechoslovak Genealogy Society. It is an interest civic society. In accordance with its constitution, the Society focuses especially on the development of the civic and noble genealogy, heraldry and other auxiliary historical sciences as well.

Deutsche Heraldische Gesellschaft e.V.


The German Heraldic Society was founded in 1960 by Dr. Ottfried Neubecker. Their goal is to revitalize heraldry and its neighboring areas in Germany - beyond late romantic idealization, enthusiastic reverie and ideological entanglements, but with all the more sober pragmatism and an open view of the future of its disciplines in the age of social change.

Finnish Heraldic Society


The Finnish Heraldic Society nurtures the art, science and law of the coat of arms, promotes research in heraldry, expands knowledge, develops hobbies and promotes the general appreciation of heraldry and the use of heraldic symbols in Finland. This also applies to flag science and art.



The Herold is a non-profit, scientific association. It is dedicated to the historical auxiliary sciences, in particular heraldry (heraldry), genealogy (family history research) and related sciences such as sphragistics (seal studies) and phaleristics (religious studies).

La Société Française d’Héraldique et de Sigillographie


The French Society of Heraldry and Sigillography was founded in 1937. Its objective was "to contribute to the development of studies relating to heraldry and sigillography, notably by means of meetings, conferences, colloquia, congresses and publications". Today it brings together academics, researchers, students and enthusiasts from various horizons concerned by these two auxiliary sciences of history.

Koninklijk Nederlandsch Genootschap voor Geslacht- en Wapenkunde


The Koninklijk Nederlandsch Genootschap voor Geslacht- en Wapenkunde is the longest existing genealogical and heraldic association in the Netherlands. The Society was founded in 1883.

L'Istituto Araldico Genealogico Italiano


The Italian Heraldic Genealogical Institute is a non-profit association subservient to the laws of the Italian Republic. It was founded in 1993 with the fundamental purpose of developing knowledge of heraldry, genealogy, chivalric orders and other documentary sciences of history.

Macedonian Heraldry Society


Macedonian Heraldic Society deals with Heraldry, Vexillology, Phaleristics, Chivalristics and Nobiliar issues in Macedonia, and continues the tradition of Macedonian Heraldry Society

Norsk Heraldisk Forening


The Norwegian Heraldic Association is a member of the Norwegian Cultural Protection Association. The association is also a member of the Oslo Medieval Festival, and has an annual stand at the Medieval Festival which has been held at the Akershus Fortress in recent years. The Society was founded in 1969.

Royal Association Genealogical and Heraldic Office of Belgium


Founded in 1942, the Royal Association Genealogical and Heraldic Office of Belgium and its members field of interest covers all regions of Belgium, even if the character of the association is resolutely French-speaking.

Societas Heraldica Slovenica


The Slovenian Heraldic Society is composed of individuals who are professionals and non-professionals, academicians, historians and genealogists who share an interest in Slovenian heraldry.

Societas Heraldica Scandinavica


Since 1959, Societas Heraldica Scandinavica has been a gathering point for heraldic interested in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.

Svenska Heraldiska Föreningen


The Swedish Heraldic Society was founded in 1976. The Society (SHF) was formed through an outbreak of Western Sweden's Heraldic Society (Västra Sveriges Heraldiska Sällskap). The reason was that parts of VSHS wanted to exist as a local department for the Nordic Heraldic Society while others wanted to become a nationwide Swedish heraldic association.

Schweizerische Heraldische Gesellschaft


The Swiss Heraldic Society was founded in 1891. Their purpose is to maintain and study heraldry and heraldic laws, as well as the related historical auxiliary sciences (castle studies, family studies, name studies, symbol and drawing studies, fine writing, seal studies, flag and flag studies, stained glass, coinage, medals, plaques, medals and decorations and stamp science).

Українське геральдичне товариство


The Ukrainian Heraldry Society is a non-governmental public organisation, which works on researches in heraldry, sphragistics (sigillography), vexillology, genealogy, emblem creating. The society was founded in 1990, and has been a member of the International Federation of Vexillology Associations and the International Confederation of Genealogy and Heraldry since 1995.

Zum Kleeblatt


Zum Kleeblatt is a heraldic society founded in 1888. It is a recognized as a non-profit and worthy of scientific funding. It operates across regions. It's publications can be found in numerous archives and libraries at home and abroad. Zum Kleeblatt is the supporting association for the Lower Saxony Coat of Arms serves exclusively and directly non-profit.

International Heraldry Societies


 International Heraldry Academy


The aim of the International Heraldry Academy is to centralize scientific studies and research in the field of heraldry on the basis of the widest possible international cooperation, and to disseminate them. It aims to define the place of heraldry in the modern organization chart of the human sciences, to study interdisciplinary correlations, to coordinate research, to define trends, to equip researchers with appropriate working tools.

International Heraldry Society


The International Heraldry Society was founded by The Armorial Register Limited. in 2013 in response to a number of requests it had received to provide a discussion platform for heraldry.

International Association of Amateur Heralds


The International Association of Amateur Heralds is a group of heraldic enthusiasts from around the world that come together to discuss all aspects of heraldry. It was formerly known only as the Association of Amateur Heralds, or AAH. The Association exists only in cyberspace and was created to encourage the art and science of heraldry through helping people with heraldic enquiries.

Bookplate Society


The Bookplate Society is an international society of collectors, bibliophiles, artists, and others dedicated to promoting bookplate study.

North American Heraldry Societies


American College of Heraldry


The American College of Heraldry's general goal is to identify and Register legitimate coats of arms being legitimately borne in America in order to leave a cultural and historical record of armory in this country for future historians, genealogists and scholars in various academic fields.

The Augustan Society


The Augustan Society promotes the study and traditions of chivalry, genealogy, heraldry, history before AD 1700, and nobility by providing unique, high-quality resources, including a library, publications, and services for members and the public.

The Society of Scottish Armigers


The Society of Scottish Armigers was founded to help people understand some of these rules and avoid common mistakes. The Lord Lyon is the President, and one of missions is to serve as a conduit, a means of communication between him and the general public on matters of heraldry and practice, although they do not speak for him in an ‘official’ sense.

The Royal Heraldry Society of Canada

The mission of the Royal Heraldry Society of Canada and its Branches is to promote the Art and Science of Heraldry, particularly Canadian heraldry, and to encourage an interest in the subject among Canadians. Since the Society's foundation more than three decades ago, the RHSC has never lost sight of its objectives and continues to this day informing and educating Canadians and assisting them and their institutions in the acquisition of properly granted coats of arms.

Oceania Heraldry Societies


The Australian Heraldry Society


The Australian Heraldry Society encourages the correct use of heraldry in Australia and an appreciation of its aesthetic values and continuing traditions. Their objectives are “to promote the advancement of education in the science, art, history, practice and development of heraldry and allied subjects and the encouragement of their study and practice in Australia".

The Heraldry & Genealogy Society of Canberra


The Heraldry & Genealogy Society of Canberra was established in 1964 to promote, develop, foster, and support the study and presevation of family history, genealogy, heraldry, and allied subjects.

The Heraldry Society of New Zealand
(New Zealand)


The Heraldry Society of New Zealand is the principal New Zealand learned society concerned with the scholarly study of armorial bearings, the law of arms, heralds, and officers of arms. The society was established in 1962. It was known as The Heraldry Society (New Zealand Branch) until November 2007 when it became operationally and constitutionally independent of The Heraldry Society.

United Kingdom Heraldry Societies


Cambridge University Heraldic and Genealogical Society


The Cambridge University Heraldic and Genealogical Society was formed as the result of the merger in 1957 of a previous society of the same name (founded 1950) with the Cambridge University Society of Genealogists (founded 1954).

Harleian Society


The Harleian Society is a text publication society and registered charity founded in 1869 for the publication of manuscripts of the heraldic visitations of the counties of England and Wales, and other unpublished manuscripts relating to genealogy, armory, and heraldry in its widest sense.

The Heraldry Society

Heraldry Society of Scotland


The Heraldry Society of Scotland was founded in 1977 with the objective of promoting the study of heraldry and encouraging its correct use in Scotland and overseas.


The Heraldry Society exists to increase the knowledge and understanding of heraldry and its related disciplines. The Heraldry Society owes its existence to an initiative by John Brooke-Little in 1947 and is a non-profit making company and a registered educational charity.

Institute of Heraldic and Genealogical Studies


The Institute of Heraldic and Genealogical Studies is an independent educational charitable trust established to provide full academic facilities for training and research in the study of the history and structure of the family. It was established in Northgate, Canterbury, in 1961 by Cecil Humphery-Smith.

Norfolk Heraldry Society


The Norfolk Heraldry Society was founded in 1976 by Henry Paston-Bedingfeld, Norroy and Ulster, King of Arms to encourage and support the heraldry in Norfolk County in East Anglia, United Kingdom.

The Society of Heraldic Arts


The Society of Heraldic Arts was founded in 1987. They are an established and much respected international guild of heraldic artists, designers and craftspeople, its Craft Members offering a comprehensive range of services to private clients and to corporate and civic organisations.

Suffolk Heraldry Society


The Suffolk Heraldry Society was founded by Mrs Lorraine Greenoak in 1977 to encourage an awareness and interest in heraldry in all its aspects but mainly focussed in Suffolk. This county is rich in heraldry in public buildings, old houses, inns, village signs and churches.

White Lion Society


By 2016, the White Lion Society completed thirty years of service to the College of Arms, during which time its sole aim has been to support the College in (i) its research of heraldry, genealogy and military insignia , (ii) preparation and granting of arms and (iii) the preservation of its history, buildings and traditions. Part of this support is derived from money raised by the subscriptions, activities and donations of its thriving membership but as important is the cooperation and good will of its members to the College of Arms that continues to make an important contribution to the history and traditions of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth.