Memoriale Roll Armorum
The Memorial Roll of Arms was established to pay tribute to the members of the Royal Heraldry Society of Canada, Toronto Branch who have passed away and to honour their memory. Each entry upon the roll appears with a hatchment displaying the members’ Armorial Bearings and the year of their birth and death.
Hatchments and names that appear on this page were active members of the RHSC Toronto Branch at their time of death. Those hatchments that appear only in black signify that the member has no Armorial Bearings according to our records.

Dr. David G. Butler, M.Sc, Ph.D. D.Sc, FRSA, CBiol, FSB, LRHSC
Dr. Harry Douglas Ellis Inns, FACLP,
The Reverend Edward J. R. Jackman, OP
John B. Lawson, CM, QC, LL.B FRSA
Dr. Robert Bruce Salter, CC, O.Ont, FRSC, FRHSC
Patron of the Toronto Branch
Christopher Wallis, FRHSC
William Wemp
Whilst the RHSC, Toronto Branch take all reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy of the entire, we accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions in the Roll of Arms. If you find that a name is missing or an error in our roll has been made, we ask that you please contact us by email
(email address below), and we will make every effort to correct the matter.