Notice of Society Annual General Meeting 2021


The following email was sent to all members of the RHSC by the National Secretary. The information below is in respect to the RHSC National Annual General Meeting for 2021, which will be held virtually.
Dear Members of the Society,

The Executive of the Society hopes that you and your families are doing well. As we have seen, this past year has had its challenges, and our society has had to endure these as well. We had anticipated being able to meet in person at some point this year, but we realize that until things are safe, meeting in person would not be prudent.

Therefore the Society will be holding its Annual General Meeting on Saturday, 12th June 2021 at 2:00pm EDT via Zoom. All members are invited to participate. An online meeting is allowable under the Society's By-law. Members will receive an email package on Friday, 21st May 2021. This package will include the required reports and nominations for office. All necessary reports will be posted on the Society's website before the annual meeting.

Further details regarding the meeting will be sent at a later date. Please mark your calendar for this date.

We really hoped that this year we could meet in person. Sadly, we cannot and we do hope that you will participate online.

Looking forward to seeing you at the Annual Meeting.


Mr. Vicken Koundakjian, FRHSC

Mr. Steve Murray, FHRSC


Branch Members Appointed to the Order of St John


2021 Online Programming!