The Royal Heraldry Society of Canada (RHSC) and its Branches promote the Art and Science of Heraldry, particularly Canadian heraldry, and encourage an interest in the subject among Canadians.


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Welcome to the
Royal Heraldry Society of Canada,
Toronto Branch

Whether you are a member of the National Society, the Toronto Branch, or you just happened to find yourself on our website, we are very happy that you stopped by.  For those who call the Toronto Branch home, you will notice some outstanding new features have been added to the site and we hope that you will take full advantage of them.  I would draw your attention particularly to the Branch Store and the Member’s Area which are both new.  

Maybe heraldry has piqued your interest in the past, or you want to know more and seek to learn about Armorial Bearings [coat-of-arms], their significance, and relevance in today’s world. Well, you have come to the right place and we would be happy to share with you what we know. The Toronto Branch holds a number of events every year which will help to educate people on a number of aspects of heraldry. Look at our Events Page for upcoming events and consider joining us.

Please feel free to take some time to check out all the pages, there is a lot of information about the Toronto Branch, what we do, our events, and the Art & Science of Heraldry.  If by the end, we have not answered your questions, you are always more than welcome to reach out and contact us.  

Platinum Jubilee   Queen Elizabeth

Image from the CHA


On February 6th, 2022, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II became the first British monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee. This marks 70 years since her ascension to the throne, the death of her father, and of service to the people of the United Kingdom, and the Realms of the Commonwealth including our beloved Canada.

The Canadian Platinum Jubilee Badge was created by the Government of Canada to celebrate this historic milestone for both Her Majesty and Canada. The emblem was designed and painted by Cathy Bursey–Sabourin, Fraser Herald at the Canadian Heraldic Authority. This badge is a symbol that not only marks this momentous day but also makes a statement of support and the meaningful relationship between Canada and the Crown as our national head of state, as personified by Her Majesty Queen of Canada. 

The Toronto Branch of the Royal Heraldry Society of Canada would like to offer its gratitude to Her Majesty on this occasion, for her service over these last 70 years and primarily for her service to Canada. Long live the Queen.


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Want to be kept up to date on what is going on in the Royal Heraldry Society of Canada, Toronto Branch? Make sure we have your email address on our list!

The Branch sends out a monthly e-newsletter, “Branch Life,” with a snapshot of what is going on within the Toronto Branch to all members and friends, including invitations to upcoming events and social activities. This is in addition to our quarterly publication Hogtown Heraldry, sent via email to members only.

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